. . . a powerfully relevant, new testament expression of the amazing and timeless truth of Jesus Christ.
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Ps Glenn's "Clear Vision" Quick Thought For The Week is alive and well - check it out on http://glennfeehan.wordpress.com - enjoy, write a comment!

The Journey: Both born in New Zealand. Glenn grew up in the city, Wellington, the capital, Robyn the country, Masterton, rich in horticulture, sheep, dairy and forestry. Both massively saved in 1980. Owned their own, successful, boutique style, music store and grew in God in a small, loving country town church in Masterton. God drops a dream in their hearts sometime in the early 80’s. The “Dream” tarries for the making of the carriers.
1987 . . . they moved to Sydney Australia in the quest of being in a church environment that was more relevant to who they were as people. Found Christian City Church (then Brookvale) now Oxford Falls. A bright, dripping in God, colorful, big yet intimate church with very happening, relevant music played by great musicians, an included Arts College, a recording studio, a TV production suite. Glenn served on staff, under the unique and wonderful Pastor Phil Pringle, for 10 years. Glenn, took the churches record label from an embryonic state into a working, organism. Robyn gets art tutoring, paints some wonderful works, lives by the beach, raises 4 unique children.
Early ‘90’s . . . the dream gets prompted again. More work needed on the carriers! Glenn was ordained and served as Worship Pastor from ‘92 to ‘97. Songs written, albums made, worship ministry & performing round the world. Their church grows in it’s influence in the “arts” in Sydney. Mercedes Benz released their C Series in rooms adorned with Art commissioned from the Churches Gallery, College and Artists. Disney licenses the first non-Disney people to cast and produce solid Gold Disney characters for high end jewelry outside of their own empire! Designed by congregation members/artists. All musicians, singers, sound and lighting technicians used for the Sydney jewelry launch with Disney, were from the church. Glenn sung the “ A Whole New World” duet with another Worship Leader from the church.
Late ‘95, God again prodded the dream and the bigger purpose of their lives. It begins to unfold.
1997, the move to the Northern Hemisphere. The USA. Once again leaving friends and family for the greater calling. Firstly, helping a Dallas church with team building, and developing a worship culture. Having finished that job they moved to Massachusetts, partnering strongly, for five great years, with and for Pastor Brian & Donna Weeks @ Jericho Christian Fellowship. A priceless time of shaping and expansion for the carriers amongst timeless relationships. Glenn as Associate Pastor, Worship Pastor and Robyn the creator of Jericho Women’s Ministries and book keeper. The pair overseeing the “arts” presence in the church; decor, vibe, hospitality, look after “Giftings” Months - open to the local community, tutorials from members of the church and community passing on their talents in a plethora of forms. Teaching, provoking and encouraging people to take up their art/talent/gift and go for it.
Early 2002, another prompting from God, the seed is about to produce! Here it comes . . . .
“Form a new tribe!” and “Set people free!”
Be purveyors of the Holy Ghost, His presence, His Worship, His healing, His purpose of greatness for people.
Plant a work, a church, with a gallery, open all week - art all round the building inside and out - with relevant “now” music.
With small boutique retail gallery-like shop - partner with a USA guitar builder - with studios, teaching rooms, music, art.
Don’t let it look religious - make it bright and colorful, full of life! - with a theater style vibe - have the pulpit lower than the congregation.
A café with the best coffee - a house of laughter and liberation - a relevant church, a church for today!
Late ‘04, the final move of a lifetime! Frisco Texas, a great place to be. Sent from JCF with love, Glenn & Robyn and their two youngest, Whitney and Asher, transported, transitioned, lugged and hauled their belongings from their beautiful Massachusetts home to Texas. Son Benje and Texan wife Sarah, and their friends, already there. Small beginnings . . . in a lounge-room in a house in Frisco. A model city. Centered in an evolving, burgeoning, multi-national culture . . . what better place to plant.
Carry the people you now “are” into the plant.
. . . thus begins the story of True North!
1987 . . . they moved to Sydney Australia in the quest of being in a church environment that was more relevant to who they were as people. Found Christian City Church (then Brookvale) now Oxford Falls. A bright, dripping in God, colorful, big yet intimate church with very happening, relevant music played by great musicians, an included Arts College, a recording studio, a TV production suite. Glenn served on staff, under the unique and wonderful Pastor Phil Pringle, for 10 years. Glenn, took the churches record label from an embryonic state into a working, organism. Robyn gets art tutoring, paints some wonderful works, lives by the beach, raises 4 unique children.
Early ‘90’s . . . the dream gets prompted again. More work needed on the carriers! Glenn was ordained and served as Worship Pastor from ‘92 to ‘97. Songs written, albums made, worship ministry & performing round the world. Their church grows in it’s influence in the “arts” in Sydney. Mercedes Benz released their C Series in rooms adorned with Art commissioned from the Churches Gallery, College and Artists. Disney licenses the first non-Disney people to cast and produce solid Gold Disney characters for high end jewelry outside of their own empire! Designed by congregation members/artists. All musicians, singers, sound and lighting technicians used for the Sydney jewelry launch with Disney, were from the church. Glenn sung the “ A Whole New World” duet with another Worship Leader from the church.
Late ‘95, God again prodded the dream and the bigger purpose of their lives. It begins to unfold.
1997, the move to the Northern Hemisphere. The USA. Once again leaving friends and family for the greater calling. Firstly, helping a Dallas church with team building, and developing a worship culture. Having finished that job they moved to Massachusetts, partnering strongly, for five great years, with and for Pastor Brian & Donna Weeks @ Jericho Christian Fellowship. A priceless time of shaping and expansion for the carriers amongst timeless relationships. Glenn as Associate Pastor, Worship Pastor and Robyn the creator of Jericho Women’s Ministries and book keeper. The pair overseeing the “arts” presence in the church; decor, vibe, hospitality, look after “Giftings” Months - open to the local community, tutorials from members of the church and community passing on their talents in a plethora of forms. Teaching, provoking and encouraging people to take up their art/talent/gift and go for it.
Early 2002, another prompting from God, the seed is about to produce! Here it comes . . . .
“Form a new tribe!” and “Set people free!”
Be purveyors of the Holy Ghost, His presence, His Worship, His healing, His purpose of greatness for people.
Plant a work, a church, with a gallery, open all week - art all round the building inside and out - with relevant “now” music.
With small boutique retail gallery-like shop - partner with a USA guitar builder - with studios, teaching rooms, music, art.
Don’t let it look religious - make it bright and colorful, full of life! - with a theater style vibe - have the pulpit lower than the congregation.
A café with the best coffee - a house of laughter and liberation - a relevant church, a church for today!
Late ‘04, the final move of a lifetime! Frisco Texas, a great place to be. Sent from JCF with love, Glenn & Robyn and their two youngest, Whitney and Asher, transported, transitioned, lugged and hauled their belongings from their beautiful Massachusetts home to Texas. Son Benje and Texan wife Sarah, and their friends, already there. Small beginnings . . . in a lounge-room in a house in Frisco. A model city. Centered in an evolving, burgeoning, multi-national culture . . . what better place to plant.
Carry the people you now “are” into the plant.
. . . thus begins the story of True North!